A Great One Has Passed On

Last night we lost Squall to complications of Feline Urinary Tract Syndrome. He never really recovered from the extensive surgery he had a few months ago and in the last day or so, he's been getting increasingly more uncomfortable and having more difficulty in the box. Last night, he began having massive painful spasms and Nik and I rushed him to the 24 hour Veterinary Hospital in Aurora. The vet told us that we could spend $1400 and have them put a catheter in and try to unblock him. But with his history, she said the chances are that this would be a regular and painful occurrence for him. What could we do? He was in so much pain and he's never been well since the surgery. We had only one decision to make and we had him put to sleep. They let us say goodbye to him (neither Nik nor I could stand to watch him die) and then a few minutes later he was brought back, looking like he was peacefully and pain-free sleeping. We took him home (Nik was devastated) and buried him this afternoon in our backyard along the garage. We put his "mousie" with him, but no one could talk.
We had a couple of moving things happen during this crisis:
1. Last night, Inari jumped up while I held Squall in my lap trying to keep him comfortable while we decided to take him to the vet. I thought she was going to hiss and growl at him (like she does when any cat is in my lap) but instead, she gently leaned over and licked the top of his head and then jumped down again. She hasn't done that since they were litter mate kittens.
2. This afternoon, we came upon Rinoa (Squall's housemate) lying on the back of the couch and she was crying. I swear to Almighty, there were tears running down her cheeks. Squall had taken to laying on the back of the couch each evening while I read or watch TV. She is sleeping there now, behind me as I type this.
It has been extremely difficult for Nik. Squall was only 3 years old. We never expected to lose him so soon. Everyone is heartbroken. Squall was a lion among cats, gentle, firm, loyal, protective and courageous. He loved the kittens and often put them in their place with a good head washing. Oh, we shall miss him.